Career Tips by Deloitte

June 15, 2017

8 steps to success

Have you already defined your own USP? Do you use the right platforms to get to know your potential employer beforehand? Do you keep your CV to the point? These 8 tips from Birgit Witzelsberger from our career partner, Deloitte, will boost your professional life.

  1. Build a network of contacts: Start making contacts early; use social media (especially Xing and LinkedIn) to connect with people after you have met them in person. This will make it easier for you to remember your contacts. Be sure to stay informed of their news and/or career developments and let them know what topics and responsibilities you are interested in.
  2. Stay on top of things: Keep learning, stay well-informed of the trends in your industry or area of responsibility and proactively interact with industry colleagues, industry leaders and/or potentially interesting sparring partners.
  3. Define your USP, in other words: what it is that makes you special. Having a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses is important when it comes to determining which positions, fields of activity and companies are right for you. A USP means also having clarity on what it is that sets you apart from your competitors. Think about what skills and qualities you bring to the table (such as special training, specific background in terms of experience, particular language skills, intercultural skills, etc.).
  4. Take the long view: Every now and then, take the time to reflect on where you want to take your career and what you will need to do in order to reach your goal (for example: change jobs or undergo training); evaluate whether your career development is in line with your expectations. What is important in this context is to remain true to yourself — do not change for somebody else or because others want you to change.
  5. Have the courage to make changes and do not be afraid of embracing something new: The world of work is becoming more and more digitalized. This trend creates entirely new and exciting jobs. Regard new developments on the job market as a chance to reflect on your future career, to take stock of where you currently stand and to capitalize on the opportunity to keep up with the latest trends by making a career move or a career change.
  6. Tap into the power of networks and platforms: It goes without saying that thorough preparation is a key factor in the run-up to an interview. Think about which of your contacts are likely to know your potential employer and thus may be able to provide some feedback on the corporate culture. Platforms such as or are helpful when it comes to learning more about companies and job profiles. Furthermore, they provide a forum for people, including professionals with many years of experience, to share their views and opinions.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the company as much as possible before you start working there: If the job you have been offered sounds interesting and your interview has gone well, it is perfectly okay to ask whether it is possible for you to get to know your potential new colleagues. This can help you make up your mind whether or not you want to become part of the company and its team.
  8. Focus on what really matters: The more work experience you have, the longer your CV. However, it should be no more than 3 pages; otherwise, HR managers may not take the time to actually read it. Therefore, less is often more. Focus on those stages of your career and those aspects of your experience that are really relevant to the function or position for which you are applying. For each of your positions, briefly list your responsibilities and achievements using bullet points.

    As far as less recent and thus less relevant jobs and responsibilities are concerned, it is sufficient to mention them without going into details. Also, be sure to list your positions in reverse chronological order (i.e. start with your most recent position at the top and end with your least recent position at the bottom).

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