The 2 biggest career mistakes

September 25, 2017

Try to avoid those 2 mistakes in your career-planning

My career advisory experience with Career Angels includes working with people who frequently come from very different backgrounds. Although they all work in different companies, places and industries, there is one thing they all have in common: the career mistakes they make.

What are they? Generally speaking, we can divide career mistakes into 2 categories: “being too careless” and “being too cautious”.

Two men are talking
Avoid those 2 mistakes in your career-planning

Career mistake #1: Being too careless

Those “guilty” of being too careless often go on without a job for even a year, while claiming that they are actively looking for one. When they receive an offer (sometimes even similar to the previous one) they reject it because e.g. it’s valid only for 6 months or it is slightly less paid than their expectations. The ego kicks in.

They often ignore headhunters and job offers (also when they’re not actively looking for a job) and therefore give the impression of being rude. Consequently they burn bridges for the future.

On the other hand, the approach “I need to find something as soon as possible” will not get anyone very far. Accepting the first available job offer, without preparing a job searching strategy, defining goals and researching the market, can result in landing in a position that they’ll try to get out of a few months later.

People who do not have a career plan lack a holistic view on their career, skills and motives. That’s why their next career steps are often unconsidered and hasty. They usually avoid certain career planning activities like: networking, refreshing their CVs, staying in touch with headhunters etc.

It’s OK to appreciate and enjoy the current moment – though consider future consequences of your (in)action!

Career mistake #2: Being too cautious

These types of mistakes are connected with the fear of change and taking risk. And by risk we don’t mean making hasty decisions, but being stuck in a role or a company, which – similarly to the “careless” type – results in a lack of career management.

Such people are also often too humble in terms of ambition. They can give up on their dreams because of fear, lack of self-confidence or family pressure. They stay in their comfort zone when the next step is required. That’s how they miss career and development opportunities. Their career planning is also affected – but due to fear, not carelessness.

What can you do to avoid these mistakes?

The Finnish proverb “Happiness is a place between too little and too much” is also adequate when it comes to finding a proper strategy for your career. As in many other aspects of our lives, career planning is all about finding the right balance.

Do you have the right balance? Would you like to do a quick review of your career plans & activities? The good news is that you don’t have to be looking for a job to take advantage of your personal career consulting! It pays off anyway…

More information on how Career Angels work can be found here.

Click here to read more career tips.

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