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Bachelor Marketing & Sales | WU Executive Academy

Bachelor Business Administration | Specialization Marketing & Sales

This Program is taught in German only.

The part-time bachelor's program at the WU Executive Academy consists of 6 semesters and provides advanced executive education with a focus on business administration in various fields and industries. The program is aimed at people with professional experience who, in parallel to their career, are seeking advanced training at bachelor's level with a strong focus on business management and a strong focus on practical skills.

Graduates of the course are able to apply key concepts of business management disciplines, particularly in the areas of marketing and sales, accounting, financial management, human resources management and business organization as well as general management.

Your Bachelor’s Program at the WU Executive Academy

In addition to the major in Business Administration, students can choose to specialize in Marketing & Sales as part of their bachelor's degree. In this practice-oriented specialization, the focus is on strategic marketing, brand management, integrated communication, online and offline marketing, social media and sales management. The curriculum covers a broad spectrum that takes into account all relevant areas of modern marketing knowledge. The specialization in Marketing & Sales opens up a wide range of career opportunities for graduates in the advertising industry and other relevant professional fields.

    • Business Management Basics

      Orientation and Basic Business Knowledge

      Introduction and basic overview of general business administration ("ABWL"), general management and management theory.

    • Finance & Accounting

      Principles of Accounting

      Students acquire in-depth knowledge in areas such as bookkeeping, cost accounting, planning, control and coordination of evaluated business processes. The aim is to prepare them for the challenges of the modern business environment and to enable them to contribute to the company's success.

      Financial Management

      This course explores process planning and control in relation to financial resources. Participants also acquire knowledge of financial mathematical methods for investment decisions.

    • Marketing & Sales

      Market & Customer in the Digital Age

      Gain an insight into the basics and characteristics of marketing in a social context. Our speakers will provide you with input to understand trends such as digitalization or globalization and the resulting influences on target groups.

      Consumer Behavior

      This course of the marketing bachelor program teaches psychological foundations, including depth psychological aspects, findings from cognitive psychology as well as information processing and semiotic theories. This broad range of concepts enables students to develop an in-depth understanding of consumer buying behavior and the impact of operational marketing strategies.

      Strategic Marketing

      As part of the bachelor's degree program, participants learn how to create marketing concepts and plans. Various aspects such as markets, sales channels, customer segmentation, positioning, target group management and the marketing mix are covered.

      Corporate Communications

      The course content covers fundamental aspects of public relations and public relations work, which are discussed using specific examples. The instruments of traditional PR and online public relations are covered. Students also learn how to design PR campaigns and subsequently measure their success. This enables them to develop effective communication strategies and influence a company's image in a targeted manner.

      Sales & Psychology

      Students are trained in the identification and acquisition of potential customers. They also learn about the choice of sales channels and the development and management of sales networks. Another focus is on the management of sales teams and the subsequent monitoring of sales success.

    • Context of Business Management Decisions and Actions

      Economic and Business Management Understanding

      The curriculum of the bachelor's degree program Marketing & Sales includes the basics of economics, including an introduction to economic thinking and market economy contexts. In addition, participants take part in a business case simulation game, which includes a market simulation. This allows them to learn about different business models, gain practical experience and apply their theoretical knowledge in real economic scenarios.

      Project & Process Management

      This course of your bachelor's degree in Marketing & Sales covers both project and process management. Participants acquire skills in project planning, structuring and control. At the same time, they analyze and document process flows.

      General Management

      The course takes a systematic look at strategic general management, including topics such as corporate identity, business organization and IT. Students gain a comprehensive understanding of the development and implementation of corporate strategies as well as the organization and integration of information technology to support business processes.

      Human Resource Management & Corporate Organization

      Key aspects of personnel, management and organization or leadership are dealt with here. This includes business and social science issues in the area of "people and organizations", as well as personnel management and employer branding. Participants acquire in-depth knowledge in order to develop effective management strategies and strengthen employee loyalty.

      Business Law Framework

      The curriculum of the WU Executive Academy's bachelor's program in Marketing includes general legal principles as well as specific areas such as labor law, public procurement law, IT and data security. Participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework under which companies operate and learn how to implement this in their professional practice.

      Interpersonal Management Skills & Future Topics

      The bachelor's degree course specializing in "Marketing & Sales" also teaches important soft skills such as team competence, negotiation training, diversity management and intercultural communication. In addition, current topics are discussed and analyzed with experts from the business world in order to offer participants a practical insight into relevant developments.

    • Marketing & Sales Specialization

      Sectoral Marketing

      The specialization of the bachelor's degree in Marketing & Sales in this course relates to the interface between marketing and society as well as specific topics such as service marketing, international marketing, technology marketing and capital goods marketing.

      Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

      In this course of your marketing studies, the entire process of market research is examined, both in marketing management and in consumer behavior. You will gain a sound overview of the methods used in market research.

      Marketing & Sales Case Studies

      As part of the bachelor's curriculum, participants are given the opportunity to describe and reflect on an independent professional project or professional topic. The content and methods learned in the various subjects of the curriculum should be applied.

    • Practical Case Study & Thesis

      Practical Casework

      At this point in their bachelor's degree in Marketing, students have the opportunity to describe and reflect on their own practical project or professional topic. The content and methods from the subjects in the curriculum are used to develop practical solutions and examine the topic from different perspectives.

      Bachelor Thesis

      As part of the bachelor's degree program "Practice-oriented Business Administration", each student has to write a final thesis. A prerequisite for the assessment of the final thesis is the positive completion of the course "Scientific Work".

    • Focus on Marketing

      Strategic Marketing

      Sustainably successful marketing requires medium-term planning and holistic strategies. The classic question here is: "Are we doing the right things?". Specifically, this course of study with a specialization in "Marketing & Sales" deals with the selection of markets and sales channels, customer segmentation and target group management, positioning in communication and pricing decisions. We examine the differences between push and pull strategies to stimulate demand in international markets and develop a strategic marketing plan with clear guidelines for practical implementation.

      Strategic Brand Management & Brand Communication

      The importance of brands has increased enormously, especially in the field of marketing and communication, due to the use of new media - marketing management is now also brand management. Use the power of brands in your marketing. Our experts will provide you with the necessary tools and in-depth knowledge on the topic of "brand management in the digital world", positioning, brand awareness, storytelling and branding. They also focus on corporate identity, corporate wording, brand essence, brand architecture, brand controlling (brand value, image measurement and image transfer), brand advertising and advertising style.

      Basics of Market Research

      Market research and marketing analytics are essential foundations for business decisions and success monitoring. Develop your expertise in market research projects and learn about qualitative and quantitative methods for gathering information in this module of your Bachelor's degree. These courses also focus on the preparation, presentation and reporting of market research results as well as the selection and handling of market research institutes (external service providers).

      Marketing Analysis & Controlling

      This course in the "Marketing & Sales" Bachelors's program focuses on the visualization of findings and the derivation of assumptions from data. You will also deal with other topics in this course: Analysis and impact of marketing measures, impact controlling, price analysis, sales control, key figures in marketing and analytical thinking.

    • Focus on Multichannel Marketing

      Market & Corporate Communications

      Market Communication

      This course of the "Marketing & Sales" Bachelor's program covers the essential areas of market communication, including instruments and channels, process and success analyses, omnichannel marketing, integrated communication with classic and digital media (content marketing, SEO, SEA, mobile marketing, e-mail marketing, social media marketing) as well as marketing and sales automation. We also deal with the selection and cooperation with advertising agencies (e.g. in the area of media management), including agency screening, briefing, pitch and advertising impact analysis.

      From Briefing to Campaign

      Conception of Advertising Campaigns

      From briefing to campaign: We look at the entire process - from strategy development to the message and campaign idea through to implementation. We examine the organizational processes of advertising practice, psychological advertising models and practical approaches to effective advertising. We also discuss various agency philosophies, look at marketing checklists and delve into concept development as well as advertising impact and communication analysis.

      The course also focuses on the design criteria for advertisements, posters and electronic media as well as the function and development of merchandising material. Case studies of current advertising campaigns provide participants with practical insights into the topic.

      Multichannel Communication

      From dialogue marketing to cross media and multichannel marketing: We examine the concepts and management processes of integrated communication, including analysis, planning, organization, implementation and control. Special attention is paid to monitoring success and the use of synergy effects to increase efficiency.

      Crossmedia Case Study

      When developing a cross-media campaign for a product launch, the objectives, content, budget and project management are of crucial importance. Special attention is paid to the consideration of different target groups within a predefined budget and time frame.

      Media & Communication in the Digital Age

      Offline Media Channels

      The media types of traditional advertising include various channels such as OOH/DOOH, print, TV, radio, cinema and live events. We look at their importance in the media mix, present the individual media and analyze relevant key figures, especially in the Austrian market. We also discuss the advantages and importance of each media type in a 360° campaign and discuss methods for measuring success. Finally, we take a look at the future and the challenges posed by advancing digitalization.

      Online Media Channels & Mobile Marketing Case Study

      We explore digital tools and their place in a 360° campaign by looking at their benefits and potential uses. There will be a focus on measuring success and potential challenges. We look at the topic of online marketing and learn the basics of programmatic advertising, newsletter marketing, SEO, social media, influencer marketing, display ads, etc. In addition, we present national and international best practice examples to gain a practical insight into successful marketing strategies.

      Digital Performance Marketing: Concepts and Use Cases

      The participants look at campaigns in the digital age in terms of content and so-called pull strategies.

      Media Planning

      How do I efficiently implement my campaign in the media mix? What does a campaign cost? How do I create a good campaign? This course is about multichannel marketing in the context of digital transformation.

    • Focus on Sales

      B2C & B2B Sales

      Retail Marketing and Distribution Policy: Focus on B2C

      The Bachelor's degree program with a focus on Marketing & Sales includes an examination of various forms of retail operations, both stationary and online. Topics such as retail marketing, retail market research, online retail and e-commerce are covered. Participants gain a comprehensive insight into the dynamics and strategies of the retail trade today.

      Key Account Management: Focus on B2B

      The curriculum of the Bachelor's degree Program covers topics such as trade marketing, key account management, sales organization and management. This is done using case studies to provide participants with practical insights into these areas.

      Case Study: Customer Experience Management

      E-Commerce: Management & Strategy

      In this marketing course, participants are familiarized with the basic concepts of online retail and e-commerce. The focus is on various usable instruments as well as their implementation and measurement of success. Omni- and multichannel sales strategies are also covered in order to develop a holistic understanding of the integration of different sales channels.

      Customer Experience

      Starting with an in-depth analysis, the participants look at customer journeys. They also take an in-depth look at how to define personas in order to get a clear picture of customer needs and motivations. In addition, strategies are developed to reach customers along their journey at different touchpoints.

    • Legal Basis

      General Principles of Commercial Law

      Commercial Law

      We begin with an in-depth look at the fundamentals of commercial law, focusing on the main features and systematics of contract law. Special regulations for companies and consumers are also taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of commercial contracts and their legal framework.

      Specialist Legal Areas in Marketing & Sales

      Competition, Trademark and Copyright Law

      This course of your Bachelor’s in Marketing & Sales deals with special legal topics such as competition law as well as trademark and copyright law in an international context. In particular, unfair competition and immoral behavior (e.g. violations of standards, deception, comparative advertising, etc.) are examined.

    • Interpersonal Management Skills and Future Topics

      In addition to specialist content, the teamwork skills of participants in the Bachelor's degree with a specialization in "Marketing & Sales" are also trained. Presentations, pitches and moderation are also trained as part of practice-oriented exercises.

      In addition, we offer an expert forum that supports the learning process by giving participants the opportunity to discuss current topics from practice.

    • In-Depth Seminar: Marketing Study

      In small study groups, you will study practical issues that come directly from companies or the business world. Under expert supervision, these topics are worked on as part of a project and developed into practicable marketing concepts.

Official Degree: Bachelor of Science (CE)

After successful completion of the part-time bachelor's degree program "Practice-oriented Business Administration", the academic degree "Bachelor of Science (Continuing Education)WU", abbreviated "BSc (CE)WU" is awarded by the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business.

To Apply, You Must Meet the Following Requirements:

  • Appropriate previous education in the form of the general university entrance qualification (Matura) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized domestic or foreign educational institution
  • Proof of at least two years of professional experience relevant to the further education objectives of the course of study
  • Proof of German language skills required for the successful continuation of studies, if German is not the first language of the applicants

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