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Agile Leadership | Online Course | WU Executive Academy

Agile Leadership

How to Become an Agile Leader in 4 Weeks

20th Anniversary Early Bird Bonus

-20% granted on tuition fee for registrations received by March 31, 2025

Are you ready to become an agile leader? The online program "Agile Leadership" invites you to explore the concept of agile organizations and experience how leaders can develop an agile mindset.

Why should you take a step towards agile transformation? The decision in favor of agility is crucial for companies to survive in a volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, diverse and dynamic market environment. After all, agile concepts enable organizations to react flexibly to changes and adapt quickly to new requirements. This ability is essential to ensure long-term success in a constantly changing world of work. In other words: any organizations needs to go agile rather sooner than later.

Agile Transformation: The Key Role of Executives

However, agility goes beyond mere organizational concepts, as it primarily changes the way each individual approaches their work and thus creates considerable value for a company. Yet this requires agile managers who recognize and focus on the needs of the individual - be it customers or employees. The core of the agile approach is to create a work environment that offers room for autonomy, innovation and creativity.

A profound knowledge of agile methods, agile working and the successful transformation of your organization will open up new opportunities for you. Not only will you be challenged by questioning old beliefs, but you will be able to ‘decipher’ and ‘demystify’ the agile wave and skillfully ride on it with new impulses for your personal and career advancement. 

Unlock the Power of Agile Leadership

In our 4-week-program "Agile Leadership" you acquire the skills to co-create an agile company, be it in an expert or managerial function:

  • Help your organization to find out how agile it really is. Often, organizations use agile values and practices without being aware of it.
  • Analyze your organization in terms of “agile readiness”. This is the first step to capitalize on the treasure of turning implicit to explicit knowledge.
  • Be part of a team that drives the agile transition of your organization. Members of such teams know how strategy, structure and culture must change for a company to go more agile.
  • Develop your personal leadership style as you will get impulses to raise self-awareness. Question your expectations towards leadership, hone your communication skills and become an agile leader.
  • Find out how broad agile leadership is and how many of its methods you could use e.g. in your private life.

Ana Ilie, MBA

  • CFO | Mgrup | Romania

The online program “Agile Leadership” truly expanded my horizon in terms of agile leadership and organizations. The combination of reading materials, reflective exercises, and interactive parts enabled me to reflect on my own leadership style as well as on different organizations I work with.

The Agile Leadership Program Structure

Our aim is to enable managers to learn and try out the principles of agile leadership at their own pace. The 1-month "Agile Leadership" online program is divided into four parts, each with 1-week duration. Each week you will be supplied with food for thought, to be consumed and digested within that week at your own pace. Every program part can be worked on individually and takes approximately 6.5 hours to work on.

By the end of the program, you will have a better understanding of what good agile leadership means and how you can apply your newly learned skills in your career.

Live Sessions & Use in Your Own Agile Project

Within the four weeks of the online program, we offer 2 Live Sessions (via Zoom, attendance is optional):

  1. In week 1, Prof. Kathrin Köster gives an inspiring input about VUCADD Leadership.
  2. In the last week you have the opportunity to present a mini-pilot project. How would you try to implement more agile processes/structures or an agile mindset in your department or company? Get input from Prof. Kathrin Köster and interact with the other participants: Ask each other questions, share experiences and talk about the challenges you have faced.

Please note that the “Agile Leadership” program was designed so that participants can go through all the content and complete the mandatory tasks in 4 weeks. However, the participants will have access to the learning platform and all the materials for 6 months.

Helga Pattart-Drexler

Helga Pattart-Drexler

  • Faculty | Agile Leadership Program

What we aim to do is give participants, in a minimum of time, a solid grounding in agile leadership and, even more importantly, a set of practical tools they can use right away.

Fostering Co-Creation by Providing Impetus and Opportunities for Interaction

Various learning methods are used throughout the online course. Through instructional videos and study materials as well as a selection of podcasts and TED talks, participants learn, for example, how to develop an agile mindset. The “Got it?” feature in our learning system gives participants a chance to test what they have learned so far. Pieces of textual input known as “shifts” provide them with impetus for reflecting on their current ways of working and help them deepen their understanding. In “spotlight videos”, Kathrin Köster explains, among other things, what agility is and what it is not. Under the heading “Connected”, participants can raise job-related issues and ask colleagues for their input on them. So-called “anchors” give participants and teams that take part in the program as a group an opportunity to exchange views and opinions with one another.

Agile Leadership | Online Program at the WU Executive Academy
Agile Leadership - Learning Journey

Teamwork & Cooperation in Moderated Forums

Anyone who has ever worked in a team knows the importance of iterative feedback to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. However, it can sometimes be difficult to give and receive feedback.

That's why we offer facilitated forums in our Agile Leadership program. These forums give participants the opportunity to give and receive feedback in a safe and constructive environment. In this way, all team members can learn from each other and build stronger networks.

In addition, the moderated forums help to ensure that the exchange of information is focused and productive. Ultimately, we hope to foster a culture of collaboration and cooperation among our participants.

    • Sprint 1: Why Going Agile?

      In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, going Agile is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability, collaboration, and customer-centricity, enabling organizations to respond swiftly to market changes and customer demands. By breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional teamwork, Agile empowers teams to innovate continuously and deliver high-quality products efficiently. Moreover, Agile’s iterative approach allows for constant feedback and improvement, ensuring that projects remain aligned with business goals and customer needs. In an era where change is the only constant, embracing Agile equips organizations with the resilience and flexibility required to thrive and stay competitive.

      In the first sprint, you will tackle the following questions:

      • Why agility?
      • Where does it come from?
      • In which contexts do agility and agile leadership come into play?
      • What are the main elements of agile leadership?
      • What are the benefits of agile leadership and what are the constraints?
    • Sprint 2: The Agile Mindset

      An Agile mindset is a transformative approach to work that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It involves adopting a growth mindset where challenges are seen as opportunities for learning and development. Individuals and teams with an Agile mindset prioritize delivering value to customers, embracing change, and experimenting with new ideas. This mindset fosters a culture of trust, openness, and shared responsibility, enabling organizations to adapt quickly to market shifts and innovate effectively. Embracing an Agile mindset empowers people to think creatively, respond swiftly, and continuously refine their processes, driving success in an ever-changing environment.

      In the second sprint, you will have the opportunity to answer for yourself the following questions:

      • What basic attitude comes with agility?
      • How does an agile leader think?
      • What is the culture of an agile organization?
    • Sprint 3: Designing Agile for Organizations

      Designing Agile for organizations involves creating structures and processes that support flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It starts with forming cross-functional teams that have the autonomy to make decisions and adapt quickly to changes. Leadership shifts from a command-and-control approach to a supportive and facilitative role, fostering a culture of trust and empowerment. Implementing Agile practices like iterative development, regular feedback loops, and open communication channels is crucial. Aligning goals and performance metrics with Agile values ensures that the focus remains on delivering customer value and fostering innovation. By embracing Agile design, organizations can enhance responsiveness, drive sustainable growth, and stay competitive in a dynamic market.

      Sprint 3 deals with the following aspects:

      • What are new approaches towards organizational flexibility in terms of structure and processes?
      • How can organizational transparency and velocity be increased?
      • What is self-management about, and how is it linked to agility?
    • Sprint 4: Implementing Agility

      Implementing agility in an organization involves adopting practices that enhance adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. It starts with securing leadership commitment and fostering a culture that values flexibility and innovation. Teams are restructured into cross-functional units with the autonomy to make decisions and respond swiftly to changes. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, are introduced to streamline processes and enhance productivity. Regular feedback loops and iterative cycles ensure continuous learning and improvement. Aligning goals and performance metrics with Agile principles ensures that the organization remains focused on delivering customer value. By embracing agility, organizations can increase their responsiveness, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth in a rapidly changing environment.

      In Sprint 4 you will get answers to the following questions:

      • How do we strategize for agility?
      • What are critical success factors for going agile?
      • How does ‘Agile’ look in selected organizations?
    • Schedule

      The online course is divided into 4 parts. Each part is approximately 1 week (6,5 hours) of workload. Within every week, you can work individually in your own pace on every task.

      • Start: March 3 / Live Session dates: March 6 and March 27
      • the Live Sessions take place via MS Teams, attendance is optional
      • the live sessions in each run take place from 4:30 to 6:00 pm Central European Time (CET)
    • Target Group

      • The "Agile Leadership" online program is for leaders from all spheres of society with all levels of managerial experience who are self-responsible, curious, and open-minded, and who strive to shape the 21st century: corporations, NGOs, social businesses, governmental organizations.
      • The program also aims at people who want to gain insights into the topic of agile leadership and find out what makes agile collaboration successful. The course is also suitable for those who want to improve their understanding of working with agile methods and learn more about the benefits of adaptability and agility. Participants of the online program get a first insight into the fundamentals of agility. Therefore, previous knowledge is not necessary.
    • Online Course

      You will need about 6.5 hours per week/part (~26 hours in total)

    • Certificate

      Upon successful completion of all mandatory tasks, you will obtain a certificate “Agile Leadership” from WU Executive Academy with the course details.

      Mandatory Tasks:

      • Key Reading
      • Got it?
      • Key Video
      • Shift
      • Connected
      • Spotlights


Helga Pattart-Drexler

Helga Pattart-Drexler

Managing Director | Techhouse

Digital Leadership


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"Digi-Winner" Grant

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