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Executive MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation | Class Profile and Students
The Executive MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation s truly international, reflecting the realities of the business world. You will work alongside experienced executives from a broad range of companies and business areas, giving you an insight into their way of thinking and their approach to business. The following statistics are based on the last 3 intakes.
Click here to download a detailed class profile including nationalities, industry and functional background, and management level of the participants.
Matthias Heise, MBA
Applying for the MBA made me think if I really want to do that and if I can handle the upcoming stress for two years. But now, at the end of the program, me and most of my classmates will agree, it was more than worth it. If you think the MBA is just another title on your business card, you are totally wrong. It's an experience you will never forget. For most of us, it changed the way we think about our future career and somehow it helped us to rethink what's really important for ourselves. Where do you wanna be in 5 years from now and do you wanna have fun doing that job? The content of the MBA program but also the classmates from various different industries will open your eyes and help you to answer that question. Don't underestimate the effort you have to put into the MBA, but be aware that you get tons of experience, knowledge and friends back."
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Diversity is key in class - the executives participating come from different nationalities and diverse professional backgrounds and pursue interesting and inspiring careers.
Read through the success stories of our alumni and understand the impact an Executive MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation can have on jour professional life.
Mario Weinstabl
As an absolute surplus, you are joining the course together with so many great fellows from different businesses, working areas and educations - this really concentrates a myriad of individual experiences. If I would have to choose an MBA program again, I would not revise my choice.