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Executive MBA in Public Auditing Curriculum | WU Executive Academy

Executive MBA Public Auditing | Curriculum

Take a world-class MBA while pursuing your career.

The Business Core modules cover vital economic and business administration expertise alongside up-to-date management and leadership tools and techniques. The Specialization modules allow participants to gain profound knowledge, expertise and competencies in a chosen function or industry.

Below, please find an overview of all modules taught during the Executive MBA. Click on the module names for detailed content information.

In addition to the Business Core you are enrolled in the following Specialization modules:

    • Managing the Digital Transformation

      The WU Executive Academy program on Digital Transformation will give you an overview and understanding of the digital market, insights into new technologies and the required mindset to drive digitalization in your own company. You will learn about the mechanisms of a successful digital business model, and you will gain hands-on experience on how to start a digital transformation project and measure its success in a short time.

    • The Data Science Process

      • Data analytics with Python & R
      • Data management & data processing
      • Data science lifecycle
    • Special Topics in Public Auditing

      Topic I: „Tour de audit“

      Format: seminar

      A journey through public/external audit institutions

      • Various Public Audit Approaches;
      • individual SAI mandates and capacities;
      • audit priorities.

      The Framework of INTOSAI

      • INTOSAI priorities
      • regional Organizations and INTOSAI entities, like IDI
      • Peer reviews and Performance measurement frameworks

      Topic II:  International Public Audit standards

      Format: Case Studies/Simulations

      • Overview - The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institution
      • Case studies - concepts and principles that defines public sector auditing
      • Simulation game: Based on one realistic case, the students have to conduct a mini-audit.

      Topic III: Data analytics in public auditing

      Format: Hack-Days

      • Using open source software like „R“ for public sector specific audit problems
    • Writing a scientific paper

      At the end of the Executive MBA program, students have to write a master's thesis in order to receive the academic degree of Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA). The intention of the master's thesis is to guarantee that the graduate of the Executive MBA program is able to write scientific papers on his or her own.

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