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Executive MBA in Strategic Project Management | WU Executive Academy

Executive MBA Strategic Project Management

Perfect your project management skills

This specialization provides you with key expertise, enabling you to enhance and perfect your project management and social skills. You sharpen your understanding of how to lead teams and individuals in projects and learn to deal with the interests of different project stakeholders. Moreover, you get to better understand the need for a paradigm shift towards sustainability, agility and social media for project-oriented organizations.

Theory & up-to-date methods in project management

Designed around the specific requirements of executives, the specialization places particular emphasis on the application of theoretical concepts and up-to-date methods to real-world situations encountered by students in their everyday professional practice, and on practical project work. Graduates of the specialization in project management can manage projects professionally with a view to achieving sustainable results.

Balancing economic, ecological, and social interests

You will learn, share methods and generate new ideas; and of course, build a network of long-lasting relationships with like-minded international peers. You will work alongside motivated executives from a broad range of companies and cultures, giving you an insight into their way of thinking, and their approach to business.

Target group

  • Project and program managers who want to deepen and refresh their knowledge
  • Technical experts and engineers who are eager to enhance their leadership and management skills
  • Executives and managers who are in charge of developing project management capabilities, or who are responsible for making change happen in their organizations
  • Management trainers and consultants who wish to update and enhance their knowledge
  • Executives and employees in the public sector or in the consulting business
Anita Sahu-Osen portrait

Anita Sahu-Osen

  • Regulatory Affairs Manager | G.L. Pharma

My whole life I have been a medical scientist. However, two years ago, I decided to switch from the technical to the commercial side. The more I understood the industry, I realized that I was missing a lot of basic business know how.

Now I have a unique combination of my technical background and the Executive MBA.

Projects are becoming more complex and versatile in a VUCA world. The answer to be successful is modern project management that goes beyond the product or service and involves the entire business strategy.


    • WU Executive Academy: Accreditations & MBA-Rankings

      The WU Vienna University of Economics and Business is one of Europe's leading universities and can look back on over 100 years of excellence in executive education. We are proud to have received the prestigious triple accreditation from AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, which is reflected in the outstanding quality of our executive education. This has also been recognized in international rankings:

      • Top 40: QS World University Ranking

      • Top 45: Financial Times European Business School Ranking

    • Real-Life Content

      • You bring your business challenges to class for discussion
      • International residency (USA), real-life cases and exclusive company visits
      • Apply your newly acquired knowledge directly to your job
    • Global Network

      • Over 6,500 members from approx. 100 nations
      • Online student and alumni platform
      • Local community chapters
      • Exclusive events and services
      • A great resource for company insights and exchange
    • Blended Learning

      • Compact format with 18 months duration
      • Lectures in the classroom and through our online learning platform
    • International Faculty

      • Faculty members from top universities around the globe, e.g. WU Wien, IE Business School, University of St. Gallen, SDA Bocconi
      • Acclaimed experts and research leaders
      • Guest speakers from top corporations, e.g. Microsoft, Rewe, Google
Eduardo Floresta

Eduardo Floresta

  • Product Application Engineer | Angst + Pfister

My motivation for pursuing an Executive MBA was driven by my personal objective of transitioning to a management position within the next years. The WU Executive Academy offered the opportunity to specialize in Strategic Project Management - my discipline of interest.

My Executive MBA has made me a better-rounded and adaptable professional, who makes more efficient decisions. Furthermore, it changed my view on the events around me and broadened my perspective. I see the bigger picture now.


Where our Executive MBA Strategic Project Management Students Work (a Selection)

StrabagCommerzbankIAEASiemensAustrianTU Graz

Strategic Project Management Curriculum: The Practical Approach

The curriculum of the Executive MBA Strategic Project Management is taught by experts and active professionals from the world of Business and Project Management, who transfer their knowledge and experiences directly to students.

Throughout the program, in the hands of renowned professionals, you will learn among other topics

  • Project Management Methods & Trends
  • Risk Management & Agility,
  • Stakeholder Engagement & Project Organization
  • Managing Project-Oriented Organizations and Change.

You will participate in an intensive exchange with faculty from leading institutions & experienced practitioners. Engage in knowledge building conversations and practical discussions with our peers from different industries, companies and countries.

NEW: IPMA Certification

Alongside acquiring in-depth knowledge and skills in strategic project management, participants now have the opportunity to obtain job-related certifications. These include the prestigious Project Management certification and an Agile Leadership certificate, both recognized by IPMA®.

To facilitate the certification process, the Executive MBA program collaborates with project management austria (pma), the national association of IPMA®. Examinations for levels C and D will be conducted in partnership with pma.

Importantly, the cost for the first attempt to get certified is included in the Executive MBA tuition fee, providing a valuable opportunity for aspiring project managers.

    • How can managers with 50-60 hours working time manage the program?

      Completing an MBA program while working is a demanding endeavor. The WU Executive Academy offers flexible options that will enable you to better integrate your studies in your professional and private life.

      Blended learning structures optimize knowledge transfer and make for smooth learning journeys. Access to our e-learning platform allows you to finish your assignments in a flexible way – on your way to work, the lunch break, or during a business trip.

      You can choose between two tracks in the first year of the Executive MBA program (the Business Core): the On-Campus Track or the Hybrid Track. Both tracks consist of seven modules each. If you choose the On-Campus Track, you will complete all modules on site; if you opt for the Hybrid Track, you will travel to the campus for four modules and take the remaining three as synchronous and asynchronous online sessions.

      Choose the On-Campus Track to experience all our campus has to offer as well as a lively on-site exchange with faculty and fellow students at the impressive WU Campus. Alternatively, opt for a mix of classes on site of the WU Campus (4x) and online teaching (3x) in the Hybrid Track, which will let you benefit from mutual exchange and networking on site while simultaneously saving you days off from work and money as three of the modules will not require travel to and from the campus.

    • How are students evaluated during the Executive MBA?

      • Participation in class: Students are continuously evaluated during classroom discussions and video conferences. Every contribution, whether written or spoken, is taken into account.
      • Individual assignments: Students are asked to participate in quiz questions, individual assignments or evaluated homework.
      • Group assignments: As part of a small team, students must prepare presentations, research papers or papers.

Financing your executive education

Scholarships and financial advice to help you achieve your goals.

8 reasons for the WU Executive Academy

We provide everything you need for today´s challenges in the business world.

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