Company Visit at St. Pölten University Hospital

October 08, 2024

An exclusive look behind the scenes of one of the most modern hospitals in Europe!

On October 7, 2024, alumni and students of the WU Executive Club had the opportunity to visit the St. Pölten University Hospital. The group gained exciting insights into the highly complex logistics and organization required to maintain a modern hospital operation - things that patients don't normally get to see.
Particularly impressive: in addition to the university hospital, ten other hospitals in the region are also supplied by a closely networked system that relies on state-of-the-art logistics.

On October 7, 2024, alumni and students of the WU Executive Club had the opportunity to visit the St. Pölten University Hospital

But, among many others, one of the prioritized leadership topics at University Hospital St. Pölten is “Diversity & Inclusion”, which was the focus of this company visit. With over 30 different shift models, the hospital management can respond to the individual needs of employees.

The management team around the Commercial Director, Bernhard Kadlec with the Medical Director, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Karin Pieber and the Deputy Director of Nursing, Oliver Loiskandl, took the morning to introduce us to the details and challenges of their work. Many thanks for the time spent and the interesting details.

Markas is a family-owned facility services company with over 12,000 employees across Europe

Here are a few impressive facts and figures:

  • Over 4,000 employees (2,000 of them nursing) ensure that patients receive smooth care every day.
  • With 1,100 beds, the hospital is one of the largest and most modern in Austria and Europe.
  • State-of-the-art medical technology such as robot-assisted surgery and high-tech imaging procedures enable highly precise and gentle treatment.
  • Perfectly coordinated logistics, which do not only supply the university hospital, but also other affiliated hospitals in the region, show how efficiently and innovatively the network works.

Creative communication tools for a transparent and clear communication on daily business from the diverse departments such as a Podcast “Das Sprechzimmer” - series by Oliver Loiskandl.

In Austria Markas has 2,400 employes from 70 countries

Special thanks also go to our cooperation partner Gerlinde Tröstl, CEO at Markas - a role model in diversity and inclusion. Markas is a family-owned facility services company with over 12,000 employees across Europe and plays a crucial role with almost 400 staff members providing essential services at the University Hospital.

In Austria Markas has 2,400 employes from 70 countries and they have made it their mission to create a workplace where everyone can feel at home. For example, their task is to design the workplace in a way that accommodates and supports inclusive employees - not the other way around. They also actively promote an inclusive working environment with awareness-raising campaigns and projects such as MATILDE, which supports the integration of migrants into the labor market.

Markas has established various processes, projects and certifications within the company to actively live inclusion and diversity in everyday life. They received several awards for this pioneering role, including the ALC Special Inclusion Award and the Hermes Business Award in the Employer Branding category.

A big thank you to St. Pölten University Hospital and Markas for these fascinating insights and to all participants for joining!

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