Ivana Zmikic, MBA & Vladimir Nikolic, MBA

March 12, 2023

Mentoring4U Experiences

Ivana Zmikic & Vladimir Nikolic

Ivana: “Mentoring is a learning relationship emphasizing social learning. This mentoring experience brought me a new friend, my mentee Vladimir. Vladimir was brave during mentoring - being open about the challenges and insecurities he faced in his career.

If we want our careers to progress, we must act continuously and relentlessly toward our career goals. If we let someone else be in the driver's seat of our careers, we will likely end up in a place we don't want to be. I'm very proud of Vladimir for taking actions that will take him to the career progress he wants to achieve.”

Vladimir: “My experience with Mentoring4U has been incredibly valuable, and I believe it will have a lasting impact on my future professional life. Firstly, the program gave me a unique opportunity to learn from an experienced mentor, Ivana, who shared insights, knowledge, and practical advice in my field. This guidance has expanded my understanding of finance and helped me develop crucial skills and strategies I can apply in my career. Moreover, Ivana encouraged me to set clear goals and milestones for my career development. Through regular discussions with her, I gained clarity on my career path and how to work toward my objectives effectively.

Although Ivana's career and experiences differed significantly from mine, this diverse perspective enriched my understanding and decision-making. Ivana's unique insights and experiences opened my eyes to new approaches, innovative solutions, and alternative ways of thinking about challenges. I learned that diversity in thought and experience can be a powerful catalyst for growth and innovation. In summary, fostering a mentoring relationship can be a mutually beneficial journey. It's about sharing knowledge, supporting growth, and building valuable connections.”

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