Teaching quality at the WU Executive Academy

At WU Executive Academy, we recognize that a solid quality management is paramount in executive education. In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, executives require not only cutting-edge knowledge but also the skills to navigate complexity and drive meaningful change within their organizations. Our teaching quality management ensures that our executive education programs meet the highest standards of excellence, equipping participants with actionable insights, strategic thinking abilities, and excellent leadership competencies. By adhering to rigorous quality standards, we ensure that our programs deliver tangible value, empowering executives to thrive in dynamic environments, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable growth in their companies.

What does quality management mean at the WU Executive Academy?

At WU Executive Academy, teaching quality management is not just a set of processes; it's a commitment to empowering leaders and shaping the future of business.

Our teaching quality management system is based on valid standards, regulations, and recommendations from bodies responsible for ensuring the quality of higher education at both national (WU Vienna, University Study Law) and the international triple accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA).

The fundamental approach to EA quality assurance is the PDCA cycle, i.e., Plan-Do-Check-Act, representing a four-stage management method comprising planning, implementing planned measures, checking adequacy of implementation, and acting based on experience gained through implementation. The teaching quality management system covers strategic and operational dimensions and operates at different levels (e.g., program portfolio, program, module, course level) in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders (e.g., Academic Directors, staff, students, faculty), and the external environment (e.g., employers, alumni, accreditation bodies).

Our Quality Management Model

To build a shared understanding of what quality in teaching means, we also created a teaching quality management model which is aligned with WU Vienna’s quality management model, yet adapted to the specific needs and stakeholder groups in Executive Education:

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