Priyanka Dutta Passecker, MBA & Joana Pinto, MBA

March 12, 2023

Mentoring4U Experiences

Priyanka Dutta Passecker & Joana Pinto

Priyanka and Joana's collaboration was nothing short of extraordinary. Their partnership evolved organically as they navigated the entire entrepreneurial journey together, starting from the conception of an idea to the meticulous development of a comprehensive business plan. The bond they forged transcended the conventional mentor-mentee relationship, evolving into a profound connection that extended beyond the realms of business.

For Priyanka, being an entrepreneur was not just about personal success but also about empowering the next generation of visionaries. The satisfaction derived from nurturing and guiding someone like Joana through the intricate process of business development was immeasurable. This dynamic duo not only exchanged ideas but also cultivated a profound understanding of each other, contributing to the depth of their professional and personal connection. The mentorship provided a platform for them to explore the art of connecting with individuals from diverse fields, extracting valuable insights, and applying them to their venture.

Joana, in expressing her gratitude, emphasized the invaluable role mentors like Priyanka play in programs like these. Her journey was marked by significant personal and professional growth, owing much of it to the guidance and wisdom imparted by Priyanka. Joana's advice to fellow mentees resonated with the essence of actionable insights—encouraging them to discern the advice received, tailor it to their needs, and implement it with purpose and determination. A notable revelation for Joana was Priyanka's mentorship in networking—an area where she previously felt discomfort. Priyanka's approach of identifying 'your people and your niche' and approaching networking with a purpose made it not only manageable but also enjoyable.

This transformative realization showcased the depth and impact of the mentorship, demonstrating how it extended beyond business strategies to encompass personal development and overcoming professional challenges. Inspired by Priyanka's commitment to giving back, Joana expressed her intention to participate in mentoring endeavors both as a mentee seeking continuous growth and as a mentor eager to contribute to the development of others.

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