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Johannes Wesemann, Business Builder bei Strudel und ehemaliger CEO von Uber Österreich, sprach am 2. März 2017 am UniCredit Center am Kaiserwasser zum Thema "Why I think that Siemens won´t make it until 2030".
Johannes Wesemann
Siemens is a great example. Together with its subsidiaries Siemens employs approximately 362,000 people worldwide and reported global revenue of around €75.6 billion in 2015. But looking at all these niche players emerging, using new technology and business models it is hard to believe that this German conglomerate company is prepared to survive its global and multi-sectoral challenges. Is it enough to be big or is size its weakness? Taking Uber as an example, I want to demonstrate why it is very unlikely that companies like Siemens will survive.